Home Education

Lighthouse Christian Academy offers a traditional home education program for students from kindergarten to grade 12 in which parent(s)/guardian(s) of the student make the choices regarding curriculum, delivery methods and assessment. An Alberta Certified Teacher is assigned to support parents by helping to develop a program plan for the year, providing educational opportunities and providing help to evaluate student progress. Two home visits are required during the school year.

Students are provided with the opportunity to attend homeschool field trips and special events. Students can also be involved with other homeschoolers in the area for activities and develop relationships with other students their age.


Request Registration Forms by Clicking Here

Note: if you are registering your child for education in Alberta for the first time (besides a preschool program) you will need to have a digital copy of their birth certificate ready to go. You can scan it or take a picture.


What is a home education program?

In this program parents choose the outcomes/curriculum/resources/teaching methods/evaluation for their child’s program. This program may or may not follow the Alberta Education Program of studies. Please note that upon request a teacher is available to help with program planning. (Your home education facilitator is available to help throughout the year). The definition of traditional home schooling according to Alberta Education is “a parent-directed approach to educating a student in Grades 1 to 12 at home or elsewhere in which they are responsible for making all education decisions. Parents choose curriculum resources and methodology consistent with their family’s beliefs and consistent with the Home Education Regulation”.

Do you have a list of recommended programs for parents to look at?

A resource list with suggested curriculum/resources is available upon request for parents to look at, and a teacher is available to give direction/input if requested. Many wonderful educational opportunities occur in the home through excellent literature and interest directed studies.

Do I need to let the school know which resources I will be implementing into our program(s)?

A program plan is required for each student with all the resources/activities that your child(ren) will be working in or participating in. These program plans are given to you as part of the
registration process. Help to fill these out will be provided by your facilitator/teacher if needed. These forms are to be submitted by September 30th.

Is there funding available for this program?

Students in grades 1-12 receive $901.00 in funding for the school year and Kindergarten students receive $450.00 for their program. Funding can be used to purchase resources and curriculum, pay for extra-curricular events that pertain to students’ education (ie. swimming lessons being a part of physical education), and pay for educational workshops and field trips. All original receipts must be submitted with a LCA Reimbursement Form.

Are there guidelines explaining what the funding may be spent on?

There is a home education government document that is followed providing general guidelines for what funding may be spent on. Everything purchased for a home education program must be on the program plans.

When can receipts and a reimbursement form be submitted? What is the process for submitting?

Funding will be received after September 30th. Parents may start submitting original receipts/forms after that. Receipts can be submitted via mail, drop off at the LCA office or give to your
facilitator. Deadline for receipt submission is June 30th.

Will there be home visits?

A minimum of two in-home visits will be conducted during the school year. These visits provide opportunity for celebration of student achievement, assessment of work, time for questions and concerns to be addressed.

Will my child receive a report card?

Two formal assessments will be written and sent to parents. These assessments will be completed after each home visit. Prior to each visit, a celebrate learning document is to be completed at minimum 48 hours prior to each visit. This document will be sent out to families by their facilitator.

Please feel free to contact our office at (403) 887-2166 or one of our Alberta-certified home education program facilitators regarding any questions about the home education program Brittany Krook (403) 877-1487 or Laurel Allan (403) 318-6849

Reimbursement is not available prior to September 30th and completion and acceptance of registration documents. 

Please note you will need a digital copy of your child’s birth certificate if they have never been registered as a student in Alberta.

For further details regarding the Alberta Ed Home Education Handbook or Home Education Reimbursement Guidelines visit Alberta Education’s website:

* Please submit all receipts for reimbursement using this Home Education Reimbursement Form.