Monday Night Prayer

Monday Night Prayer

1st Monday of the month from 7-8pm, in the chapel.

The Bible tells us to ask and to give thanks so this is what we will do.

This is an intentional time of corporate prayer. All of us can pray on our own, but how often do we do that? Many of us have been asked to pray for something or somebody and we say sure. You can bring those prayer requests with you along. We will have a list of items you can choose to pray, or you can go totally freestyle with God and use your own list. We will have some worship music playing either live or on recording as background. You don’t need anything but if you want to bring a Bible, a journal and your special praying outfit if you have one, you are welcome to do that.

These are a few of the things we will pray:
1. LCA and the schools of Sylvan Lake
2. Our governments and their leaders-municipal, provincial and federal
3. The businesses of Sylvan Lake
4. The health and medical workers of Sylvan Lake
5. The Town employees
6. RCMP and Fire and ambulance and first responders
7. The seniors
8. The students
9. Families
10. Other (this pretty much covers anything else!)

As a leadership team of the school we are sensing an urgency to respond, but not knowing what that response should be, we are seeking to share the burden with all who will come to discover what God is up to for our school and our community and how we can more effectively impact the expansion of the Kingdom!

We are encouraging individuals to continue to pray Mondays from 10-11 as you are able as we have been doing over the school year, but may have forgotten to be doing. We hope to see you Monday night. We don’t have a full plan of what we are, or should be doing, but thankfully God does and hopefully He will let at least one of us know!


June 3, 2024 7:00 pm

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