Tuition & Fees

Current Fee Schedule

Call the office to inquire: 403-887-2166

  1. All fees include the LCA Membership Fee.
    • E-Transfers are accepted.  Email
    • Cash or Cheque payments are accepted in person at the office.
  3. Tuition is eligible for a charitable receipt of up to 100%.  Please ask for details.
  4. Fees are due by September 30 unless otherwise arranged.
  5. A fee will be charged for every returned cheque.

Government Funding

Being an accredited private school, we receive 70% of the base funding for students in Alberta. It equates to approximately 35% of the total student funding available to students in Alberta. We receive approximately $6500 per child grade 1-12 from the government. A child attending a public school receives approximately $15000. We receive our grant from the government in three instalments in September, January, and April. The grant for the year is based on the school registration numbers at the end of September. Any child registering in our school after September 30 does not receive any government funding for that year.


Money given above required registration amounts are receitable for tax purposes.    You can drop off your cheques or cash daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. God has been faithful to meet all our financial needs. Bless you as you begin a walk of faith with us.

There may be extra costs throughout the year for field trips, swimming lessons, hot lunch, school campout, etc. Parents are expected to look after these fees as they come due.

It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that all fees and donations are paid up. If a family is facing a financial hardship, then they are responsible to inform the school of the situation to make special arrangements.  The board will endeavour to work with a family that is experiencing extraordinary circumstances.

Loss or damage of school-administered items will result in appropriate replacement charges.

Since LCA is a registered charity, all donations to the school will receive a charitable donation receipt for income tax purposes. Donations of “in kind” to the school, such as building materials, tools, gym equipment or instruments and accompanied by a sales receipt, will have a tax receipt issued in that amount. (Part of the registration fee and other school fees are not tax deductible.)

Refund Policy

Registration fees are non-refundable. In the event that a pre-paid field trip or school-related fee is unusable due to sickness or other absence, inform the office if you would like a refund, your account credited, or the fee amount put as a donation to the school general fund.


As the government grants pays only a portion of our operating costs, the financial responsibility falls primarily on the parents through donations. As a result, every Christian school community includes fundraising as part of the school life and social fabric. Full community participation in these fundraising efforts will reduce the financial pressures and help build more fully developed programs.