Statement of Faith

We subscribe to the following:

  1. We believe the Bible to be inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God. The Scripture came about from God who spoke to men by the Holy Spirit, II Peter 1:20,21. The purpose of Scripture, which is God breathed, is for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, II Timothy 3:16. 2.
  2. We believe there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. God the Father is greater than all, Philippians 2:6,9, Exodus 3:15. The Son is the Word who became flesh and lived among us, Jesus Christ, John 1:1,14. The Holy Spirit is the Counselor, God’s Spirit, who is active in the lives of believers and lives within them, I Corinthians 2:12, 1 Corinthians 3:16. 3.
  3. We believe in the deity of Christ, in His virgin birth, Luke 1:29-38, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death, Romans 5:6-8, I Peter 2:24, in His resurrection from the dead, John 20:6-9, John 21:14, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, John20:17, Luke 24:7, Mark 16:19, in His personal return in power and glory, Isaiah 40:5.
  4. We believe in the absolute necessity of regeneration by the Holy Spirit for salvation because of the exceeding sinfulness of human nature; and that men are justified on the single ground of faith in the shed blood of Christ and that only by God’s grace and mercy through faith are we saved, John 3:16, Romans 5:9-11, Luke 19:10, Ephesians 2:4-10.
  5. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life, and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation. The universe was formed at God’s commands, Genesis 1:1-31, Hebrews 11:1-3. Sin entered the world through Adam. The result of sin is death to all men. Through God’s grace came Jesus Christ, the gift of righteousness to bring eternal life to man, Romans 5:12-21.
  6. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in Christ. The promise for those that follow the Lord by persistence in prayer, faith by God’s grace and mercy, seeking the kingdom of God to pursue righteousness, Matthew 6:33, I Timothy 6:11-16, Romans 12:9-21, I Peter 2:24, Philippians 3:12-14.
  7. We believe that parents are responsible to God for training up their children as heirs of God’s covenant promises with the prayer and expectation that they will share this Christian faith, John 1:12,13, Romans 8:16,17. The Kingdom of God belongs to little children, Mark 10:13-16, Matthew 18:5,6. The Lord quiets his enemies through little children and their spontaneous praise, Psalm 8:2.